So you can end up buying the box for May in February even though you have yet to even receive a box yet. For example I pre-ordered 8 to 10 back in February, but I won't be receiving 8 till April,since it takes so long to ship. Regardless I'm still going to pre-order 11 to 13 because Memebox has proven to be a great deal and I love being exposed to products I wouldn't normally.
The original Memebox comes packed with 4 - 8 full sized products and deluxe samples, carefully curated from Korea to give you the best experience and widest exposure to a range of products.Boxes in each Memebox series always contain the same products, and contents vary from hair and body products, to skin-care and cosmetics.
11 to 13 cost $75.99 save 15%
11 to 16 cost $144.99 save 20%
Memebox #11: May 24th
Memebox #12: June 24th
Memebox #13: July 24th
Memebox #14: August 24th
Memebox #15: September 24th
Memebox #16: October 24th